Wednesday 31 March 2010

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Software used to complete my project

The software which I used on the macs was imovie, garageband and itunes.
For my soundtrack I used garageband, I picked some dark creepy music and sounds to suit the genre of horror such as heartbeats which can be heard when each set of titles come up on screen. I had to make the music longer and repeat some of the sounds over again so the length of my soundtrack fits the length of my film. Although the soundtrack isn't over the full film as there is some dialogue featured were my mother is on the phone to the police to report me missing. I then imported it via itunes to imovie and put it over my film.

I used imovie to put together my film and pick the parts I filmed which I wanted to use for my final cut. Then I put them in order on the timeline and edited them to fit the amount of time in which the film runs for. I had to make some clips longer but also shorten some and I also played around with the colours in order to make the picture darker so it will fit into the genre of horror.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Ideas For Improvement

To improve my opening sequence for the final cut I plan to add a soundtrack of spooky and creepy music from garageband and import it via itunes, which reflects the atmosphere in which my film is trying to create. Towards the end of the opening sequence were my Mam drops the phone I plan to add flashbacks of a person (possibly myself) bleeding from the wrists and other parts of the body. To create this effect I will use fake blood with various different substances in order to make it look more realistic. These flashbacks will cause my Mam to drop the phone as she will assumes the worst and that something really bad has happend to me, which will give her a huge shock and leave her speechless.

Rough Cut

Feedback - I decided to change the title of my film from 'The Occult Murder Mysteries' to 'Occult Obsession'. The reason for this was because some people said that 'The Occult Murder Mysteries' sounded more like the title to a TV drama series rather than a film and after thinking about I agree. So I decided to change the name to 'Occult Obsession' as that sounds more like the title to a horror film.