Monday 8 February 2010

Assessment 6 Organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props

Actors- For my opening sequence only 2 actors will feature. The actors are me and my mother, as I will play the teen who becomes obsessed with the occult and goes missing in the woods and my mother will play the upset and concerned mother trying to find out why her son has gone missing. She phones the police and tells them he's never went missimg before and that he's been acting strange lately. I go into the woods pull pieces of paper with notes and symbols on out of my pocket that I have been making over a period of time. At the very end I slice a symbol that's stuck on a tree with a knife and then the camera cuts to my mother dropping the phone. The sequence will feature close ups but not of our faces just the sides of our faces and the backs of our heads while moving and walking this doesn't give our full identities away and creates more of a horrorific effect and makes it more of a mystery.

Locations- There are going to be 2 main locations in which I plan to use throughout my sequence in the local area. The locations are my house and various rooms in it such as the living room for the scenes were my mam is on the phone, the kitchen, the study and my bedroom were I plan to film the the scenes were I make notes and draw mysterious occult symbols. The other main location is the reservoir around the back of Bishop Cuthbert Estate and the woods surrounding it were I go missing and I'm seen walking through the long grass pulling notes and symbols out of my pocket and then use a knife to slice one that is stuck on a tree. This particular location is big and isolated which is a typical theme for a horror film. Both locations are easily accessible for filming purposes.

Costumes- The costumes I plan for the actors to wear are everday casual clothing such as jeans etc. However because I'll be filming outside I'll be wearing my black leather jacket with my hood up and my face can't be seen only the back of my body is seen and from the neck down to show me walking. This fits in with the theme of horror and makes it look more spooky and suspicious to the viewer.

Props- I will not need to use many props for my sequence. However the props in which I do plan to use are a knife for when I slice the symbol on the tree, a phone for when my mam phones the police to report me missing, a fake newspaper article for my mam to hold while she's on the phone to the police relating to teenagers obsessions with the occult and the number of deaths it has caused and some paper scrumpled up containing coffee stains to make it look old fashioned for when I write notes and draw symbols relating to the occult. All props are typical of would be featured in a horror movie and relate to the theme of horror.

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